
Monday, January 24, 2011

GGZ Gaming Zone

GGZ is the Free Software community's acknowledgment to advertising-driven association gaming sites like MSN Games, Yahoo! Games, and Some of the site's appearance accommodate abounding internationalization, abutment for bold spectators, and computer players


As of April 2008, the GGZ website lists abutment for 38 bold engines, including both archetypal amateur such as Chess and computer-specific amateur such as Bomberman. Most of the amateur are implemented for assorted toolkits and desktops such as KDE, GNOME, SDL and Java.

A fractional account follows:

* Chess
* Chinese Checkers
* Chinese Chess
* Combat
* ConnectX
* Connect the Dots
* Escape
* Geekgame
* GGZCards (includes LaPocha, Spades, Hearts, Bridge, FortyTwo and others)
* Hastings
* Keepalive
* Krosswater
* LaPocha (deprecated due to GGZCards)
* Muehle
* Reversi
* Spades (aka NetSpades)
* TicTacToe
* GGZBoard (includes Chess, Checkers, Reversi, Go, Hnefatafl and Ludo)

Independent bold projects accept started to accommodate GGZ support:

* Batalla Naval
* Kamikaze
* Tenes Empanadas Graciela
* Tuxman
* Widelands
* Freeciv
* Freelords


Grubby is the babble bot developed by the GGZ project. It is a able internationalized bot.

The capital server is called ggzd. Server accoutrement are ggzduedit to adapt user permissions and ggz-cmd to accelerate commands and analysis the server uptime.

Game tournaments can be organized by anyone. Players can break abreast with the Competition Calendar application.

To access a bold room, the archetypal way of appliance a Core Client can be chosen. Alternatively, login is accessible with a appropriate appliance called GGZap, as able-bodied as from babble audience such as Pidgin.

Web interface
A rankings folio has been developed which has back angry into the GGZ Community portal. It allows players to log in, watch their array and accomplished results, as able-bodied as their accumulating of awards, ascertain their bounded position on a map, analysis played games, and allocution to anniversary added in the forums.

Similar projects
There are several chargeless projects not accompanying to GGZ, but with (at atomic partially) agnate goals.

* Arianne
* WorldForge

Since June 2006, a lot of above MSN Amateur users accept migrated to the GGZ servers, so that accidental amateur accept confused added into the focus of the project.

External links


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